Well, I am officially celebrating the beginning of my third trimester, whoa! I still can't believe that I will be meeting my precious baby in three short months, crazy! With only three months to go, I've scheduled my maternity photo shoot for next weekend. I just hope the weather cooperates because it has been a bit unpredictable as of late. Baby this week measures about 15 inches and weights approximately 2 pounds. He can now recognize my voice and blinks, how cool is that?
- How far along? 27.3 weeks, eek!
- Maternity clothes: Yes, but I'm still able to wear my regular tops. Although, I must confess, I have been changing into my husband's PJs as soon as I come home - can't help it as they are so comfy. :)
- Stretch marks: Still none to report. I have been applying Burt Bees Mama Bee lotion and Palmers Cocoa Butter lotion in combination with coconut oil.
- Sleep: Overall it's been good. I still tend to wake up at random times at night
- Best moment this week: Feeling lots of movement. We also got to work on his nursery some more and finished a few DIY projects!
- Miss anything: Still tea, especially when it's cold and gloomy outside. :(
- Food cravings: None to report.
- Anything making you feel sick or queasy: Not really.
- Gender: Boy!
- Symptoms: I don't recall being this thirsty since becoming pregnant. I could not drink enough water this week.
- Wedding rings on or off? On
- Happy or moody? Happy
- Looking forward to: My maternity pictures and my next doctor's appointment.